To my good friend Joe:
Are you really that surprised?
Haha, why though? You should've seen this coming! You know're soft. Your soooooooooo soft. So maybe, what you need to do, is become a little more harder? A little more tougher maybe? Nahh, def a little more careless. Yah that's the word, you care tooooo much. And you allow these emotions that you are feeling at the moment to get the best of you. Then look where you're, again. Like haven't you had enough of feeling this way?
"No matter how I think we grow
you always seem to let me know
it ain't working.
And when I'd try to walk away
you'd hurt yourself to make me stay
this is crazy"
It is! Like that is you two in a nut-shell, man! Like it's soooo crazy! How do you do that to eachother?! Or better yet, how could someone honestly do that to another person?? That's so hurtful! Poor you, like when you try joe, they always turn around and do or say something to make you say. I swear they know what they're doing. Just like when you let go finally this time, they'll pull they're shit But nuh-uh, you'll be ready this time. You know, you of all people should've seen this coming. You know, no offence, but I don't even feel sorry for you. You were doing so good! What happened? I don't get it, you were so care-free about it. It felt good didn't it? To let-it-go? Days would pass and you wouldn't even talk or even throw a line out. And then, you start to notice things are feeling weird again, so you put yourself out there, again. And here we arreee, back to square one. I should say something, if I may? Here it is, it's a little tough love..You need to let..them..go. Enough is enough. Whether you see eachother or not, let it be done. Whether you talk or not, let-it-be-done. Stop making the first moves, that's your problem. Always chasing, stop! For once, let them chase YOU! You deserve it don't you? For putting this much time and effort into this? Don't you deserve a quick, "hey i was just thinkin about ya, whats' up?" No? That's sad, don't you think? Kinda pathetic too. You keep forgetting that Madea thing, to let folks go? Go watch it again, and try not to forget it this time, k? I only tell you this because I love you. Remember that quote you've been trying to live by?
"Sometimes, it's best to forget how you feel
& remember what you deserve"
You are allowing your emotions to get the best of you again. Don't let them. Your mind is telling you so much right now to try to confuse your heart, but don't you let it. Look at the facts, and your heart will show you the rest. I don't like seeing you like this, it breaks my heart cause you don't deserve it.
Let.them.go. I know you think that the worst feeling, is being forgotten about, by someone you will never forget, but you've gotta be strong. Life is going to push you around, and it's going to beat you up, and it's going to scare you. But one day you're gonna realize that you're not just a survivor, you're a warrior. You know Joe, some people say that sometimes, you have to test someone. Not because you don't trust them, but to see how much they'll sacrifice for you. And sometimes you have to let them go not because you stopped caring for them, but to see if they care enough to come back. But honestly, how many times have you tried that? Sure they've come back, but only for what they want from you, than they leave. Leave you feeling like this. Well, to those people, I say, some say holding on is what makes you strong. But sometimes it takes much more strength to just let go and move on. But you know what, don't run from this joe, because it only stays with you longer, TRUST ME, lol. If you fight however, it only makes you stronger.
You know what the best part is though? I think it's hard to wait around for something that you know might never happen. But its'even harder to give up when you know it's everything you want. Well, babe, it's not everything you want that you need. Haha, I remember soo longer ago when we'd talk, you told me one day when I was going through something just like this,
"Never make someone your priority
when all you are to them
is an option."
Haha, remember that? Well, here it is buddy! Don't you like how that comes back at you in the face? Haha, ok I'm sorry:) But no, for real, you gotta let it go bud. Giving up, doesn't always mean you are weak. Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. Cause anyone can give up, hun. It's like the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone would understand if you fell apart, now that's true strength babe. You know me Joe, you're preaching to the choir. I've made mistakes in my life. I've let people take advantage of me too, and i've accepted way less that I deserve. But Joe, you will learn from your bad choices and even though there are some thing you can never get back and people who will never really be sorry, you'll know better next time and you won't settle for anything less. Oh, I also love it when you know that you need to let go, but you can't because it's like you're waiting for the impossible to happen? Yes? Yes I know babe, BUT once again (shitt, i didn't even know it was this late, i've gotta get to bed)
there are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept. Things we don't want to know, but have to learn, like you did tonight and people we just can't live without, but have to let go. Joe, babe, I love you and I need you to do something for me k? No matter, what "they" throw at you, see through it Joe. See the truth, that it won't happen. You've tried bestfriend, so many times! Like I wanna friggin come down there and be like, are you fucking blind??! But, honestly, if it was meant to be, would it hurt this much? I don't think it's supposed to, and I know you've gotta work for them, but honestly, you're like putting in overtime, lol. So, I want you to promise me something, OH YAH, promise, heeehee. I want you to promise me, that today is the last day you will ever feel like this for this person, k?
I love you best friend, and I just don't want you to hurt like this. You deserve better, k?
I love you,
your best friend
JD (I know, none of your friends really know me, but I like to remain anonymous;)
(ps, i like this blogging business. We get to share so much through our blogs:) Good thing I was on your blog, I knew exactly who you were talking about, but ya. Don't sms me tomorrow, i'll be out all day. But do me a favor? If you promise, than write it as your title so when I come back to your blog tomorrow like I usually do, I'll see it, k?)
Love you again!