

Jenny: This is the best part of the song!
Eric: That part IS the whole song!

Nancy: *singing with her thumbs up* I vent to chinese reshtaulant..
Jenny stares at Nancy: WTF are you doing?!

Jenny: Let's go this way!
Nancy: No, chinatowns this way!
Jenny: Aw, okie.
Nancy: We shudda gone that way..
Jenny: LEALLY!?
Nancy: No.
Jenny: *sticks up finger*

Nancy grabs jenny's arm: C'mawwn, there's vunn in chinatownn!

Nancy: Let's go, or we'll never get to chinatowwnn!

Nancy: Let's go to the CN tower
Joe: Can't, jenny's broke
Nancy: Well she could just take money from her mom's account...
Joe: Yo, she's gonna get BEATS!
Nancy: True, CN tower will always be there..
Joe: Jenny won't if she touches that account!

Joe: Haha, yes the steam whistler.
Nancy: Joe that's the steam whiSTLE...
Joe smiling: Shutcho mout nanshee:)

Jenny getting scared of the dogs everywhere: Why are there SOO many dogs?! Like FCUK MY LIFE!

NansheePee-pee(Jenny)BANG-BANG(Joe)...and po(eric).
Good day with AMAZING ppl in the T.