

-Drove to Niagara on the Lake w/A&R.
-Screaming kingsway out the window.
-Skipped stones w/A.
-Nearly threw out my back trying to skip a boulder w/A.
-"Eat your pets".
- R: "I'm gonna toast his ass-hole"
-"If your dog pee's on my new shirt, he's goin out the window.
-A: These ppl look rich, let's marry them for their money.
-"Wow dad, could you drive ANY faster?"
-"How come EVERYONE has GLK's?!
   R: what?! JAILPITS?!
-"Joyce is a faggot!"
-Got raped by W.
-Raped W.
-W..is one HORNY child:)
-Almost killed Andy, R, G & J howlingg.
-J pinches a random guys ass in the park.
-"Let's make a scene".
-Maze of Lazers...Men's Room.
-Arcade: Never driving manual again.
-Haunted house: A was scared shitless, he buried his head in my sweater:p
- R should've kicked that thing in the face.
-Ran like banshee's.
-Got My fudge.
-Came home.

All in All, today was JOKES.