Mistakes. We all make them right? We choose to make good choices and bad choices everyday. But what happens when we make the wrong choice? What happens when we make a mistake? We end up feeling in the end don't we? We all have the choice to do the right thing and when we do the wrong thing we feel in the right? We suffer the consequences of our actions.
What I don't understand is some people believe that they are so self-righteous that my mistakes are worst than theirs. I don't get that. A mistake is a mistake. The wrong choice is the wrong choice. No matter what you do, its still the wrong choice. I could lie, and you could...choose to have sex unprotected and have a baby. A mistake.
I could steal a piece of candy, and you could steal a car. Still a mistake. I could tell a teacher to shut-up, and you could tell your friend to fuck off..a mistake.
In the end a MISTAKE is a MISTAKE. There is no leveling with them. One is not greater than the other. One is not worst than the other. They are both JUST AS BAD and you shouldn't do them.
My issue is, my choice. I make a choice with my life, and its not that I'm calling anybody a hypocrite, cause I'm not. I just wonder, I make a mistake and it's sooo bad. But someone else makes a mistake and its..."ok".
How the HELL does that even work?
How can the wrong choice I make be so bad, but someone else who makes a wrong choice to...be ok?
I don't get that. And it plagues me because we ALL make our OWN mistakes everyday! And when you think about people will try to justify it as, "oh that isn't AS BAD as what you did".
NO! When it comes to God, it's ALL bad. And that I believe is what people forget, and that's what turns them into hypocrites. They think what they do is not AS BAD as what someone else does..and I think thats sooo fucking wrong. Like, SO WRONG.
Blog, i'm too tired right now, but y'know what I mean?
Like do you get what I'm saying?
...of course you do.
What I don't understand is some people believe that they are so self-righteous that my mistakes are worst than theirs. I don't get that. A mistake is a mistake. The wrong choice is the wrong choice. No matter what you do, its still the wrong choice. I could lie, and you could...choose to have sex unprotected and have a baby. A mistake.
I could steal a piece of candy, and you could steal a car. Still a mistake. I could tell a teacher to shut-up, and you could tell your friend to fuck off..a mistake.
In the end a MISTAKE is a MISTAKE. There is no leveling with them. One is not greater than the other. One is not worst than the other. They are both JUST AS BAD and you shouldn't do them.
My issue is, my choice. I make a choice with my life, and its not that I'm calling anybody a hypocrite, cause I'm not. I just wonder, I make a mistake and it's sooo bad. But someone else makes a mistake and its..."ok".
How the HELL does that even work?
How can the wrong choice I make be so bad, but someone else who makes a wrong choice to...be ok?
I don't get that. And it plagues me because we ALL make our OWN mistakes everyday! And when you think about people will try to justify it as, "oh that isn't AS BAD as what you did".
NO! When it comes to God, it's ALL bad. And that I believe is what people forget, and that's what turns them into hypocrites. They think what they do is not AS BAD as what someone else does..and I think thats sooo fucking wrong. Like, SO WRONG.
Blog, i'm too tired right now, but y'know what I mean?
Like do you get what I'm saying?
...of course you do.