
It's amazing how Jesus can show you the truth to every situation you are in need of knowing the answers too.


I waited for some contradiction, but truth was ringing in your every word.

So, tell me..
What is our ending?
Will it be Beautiful?

I'll hide all my pain
and get rid of my fears.
Just look at my smile,
don't look at my tears.
I'll be ok, I promise.

I remember this...goodtimes (n)

I wish I could believe you, then i’ll be alright. But now, everything you’ve told me really doesn’t apply... to the way I feel inside. Loving you was easy, once upon a time. But now, my suspicions of you have multiplied...and it’s all because you lied.  I just can’t seem to get over the way you hurt me. Don’t know how you gave another, who didn’t mean a thing...the very thing you gave to me. I thought I could forgive you. And I know you’ve changed. As much as I want to trust you, I know it’s not the same...and it’s all because you lied. I may never understand why. I’m doing the best that I can and I’ve tried and i’ve tried to forget this, but I’m much too full of resentment. I’ll always remember feeling, like I was no good. Like I couldn’t do it for you, like your “other” could. And it’s all because you lied. I loved you more than ever, more than my own life. The best part of me I gave you, it was sacrificed...and it’s all because you lied. I only give you a hard time cause I can’t go on and pretend like I’ve tried and i’ve tried to forget this...cause I’m TOO DAMN FULL OF RESENTMENT.
I know he was attractive, but I was here first. I’ve been riding with you for four years. Why did I deserve... to be treated this way by you. I know you’re probably thinking, “what’s up with me”? I’ve been crying for too long.
What did you do to me?
I used to be...so strong.
 Now you took my soul.
I’m crying, yes I’M crying. I just can’t stop crying. You could’ve told me...you weren’t happy. I know you didn’t wanna hurt me...
...but look what you’ve done to me now.

I’ve gotta look at him in the eyes...and see he’s had half of me.
How could you lie?

"The Worst part about being lied to
is realizing you weren't worth the truth"
I hope no one EVER goes through this.

Huef, that was a close one.

Thank You Jesus ONCE AGAIN for stepping in
and bringing me back to my senses and what i'm trying to accomplish here.
Going down that road again, would've KILLED me. Like legit.
I never wanna feel like that again, it hurts too much.
Remember, sometimes it's best to forget how you "feel"
and remember what you deserve.
Thanks Jesus, I won't let myself get that close again.

I still don't understand
just how your love can do what no one else's can.

Into the night
Desperate and broken
The sound of a fight
Father has spoken.
Into your eyes
Hopeless and taken
We stole our new lives
Through blood and pain
In defense of our dreams
The age of man is over
The darkness comes and all
These lessons that we've learned here
Have only just begun
We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser god
Between heaven and hell.
Nothing of me is original.
I am the combined effort of 
everybody I've ever known.

So long, my luckless romance..

...my back is turned on you.

Anonymous #2

I argue, trying to tell you that I’m the lucky one,
but down in my heart, I know that you’re the lucky one.
I go through so much for you, just to keep you happy, yet I love you anyways.
I love you. And I realize other people do too. People who are much better for you. So right now I think its safe to say that maybe we were made for each other but not meant to be together. I can't keep trying to convince you that this time its different, and this time I won't leave. But, I don't even believe it. I don't know if its different, and I don't know if I will leave. Right now I'm going to be honest and say yeah, I think I will leave again. But this time it won't hurt as much because I know you are safe and happy with someone else.

--I'm PRETTY sure we can all relate to this.


is this just a silly game
that forces you to act this way?
I'd give it all to you
Letting go of me
Reaching as I fall
I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose
Loving you again
I know it's already over, already over now

Anonymous #1

I never understood heartbreak until mine was broken,
          and now, I know I never want to experience that again.
Even if it means never being in love.
I have 'given up' on my love for you
but honestly, if you wanted me, I'd be all yours. And that scares me.


You think you've got me again.
well...that's what I want you to think.


HOTTIE at the Pizza Store Today!
Mmm, I will DEF be there EVERY thursday:p
mmm-mm-m, seexyy.
How long do I
say that im fine
and know its a lie.
My soul is alive
but I can only try
to stop my heart from breaking
and hold myself together
for you.

"Whether you fall for it or you let it pass - you never know. All you know is what you want and how you feel. It'll come around and you won't always leap for it, but when you do, you won't regret it."  




Today it begins. I've missed them before but, I won't miss them again. I keep having the same dream,
and I think that I just realized what it means.
My dreams are who i'm racing with
but you can see i'm pacing it, so that I'm always chasing it.
who would've thought that
this weekend
I would find a new "you".
So, thank you God
maybe I won't be so sad in the end after all.


If I forget ANYTHING else, let me remember this..

How blessed are those who dwell in Your house,
Who's lives become roads that You travel
They wind through the valley's
To the light of the sun
One day in this beautiful place, to worship
Your house is our home, where our faces
Will shine in the light of the son♥
 fate brought us together over and over again,
but you were too busy with him to even notice.
maybe redemtion has stories to tell.
maybe forgiveness is right where you fell

Dear Jesus....

...this weekend, you have gone ABOVE and beyond. If i ever didn't know that you existed...i now know because of this weekend. YOU know the challenges I went through with satan this weekend, but because of my faith and hope and love in you, WE came out victorious. So through prayer, and even over the WWW, I would like to thank you once again for showing me that you haven't let me go, and that you will ALWAYS be there when I ask for something.

Thanks Jesus
oh and send some love up to the big guy too♥

Why're you so speechless?

Next time, 
I'll be bulletproof.
wow, it's actually over.


Give Thanks.

And now
let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
because of what the Lord has done, for us.
Give Thanks.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn?

As odd as it may seem, I love feeling lonely.
it makes me revisit lost emotions, imagine feeling ones i'm yet to feel.
Thank you Lord for my Freedom


I was afraid of falling
now, I think I'll jump.

Sorry you, sorry me, sorry every in-between.

I can't relate to any of these secrets.
Everybody is always going on about how they fake a smile and how hard it really is.
But truth is, everybody feels that way. That's life.
No matter what. Somebody usually has it worst.


"I always make an excuse as to why we can't hang out because 
it hurts too much to see your face or hear your voice.
Around you, I get a feeling I've never had before
But my heart breaks over and over when I realize you're still with him."

I have huge dreams that I don't tell anyone about because
I'm afraid they won't think I'm good enough to achieve them.
I'm Fine.

I'm just having an allergic reaction to the universe.

I always turn this car around.

We will make it
I promise
Just don't let go.
in a crowded place, I see just your face
And it looks so familiar
I can't get to you, though i'm trying to
There are just too many barriers.

But I only see you, in all that I do
To the rest I am blind
I don't want something new, other than you
For the rest of my life.
Everyday with her is a plus.


I made my choice.

I just can't be 


at the end of the day
i only have myself to blame.

I love it when a plan comes together.

I believe no matter how random something may appear, there's still a plan. 


when nothing goes right
..go left.

I wish music could adopt me.

take a message from my love.


one's destination is never a place,
but a new way of seeing things.

stop creating outsiders
and start bringing them inside.
--Camp Meet '10.



"Yes, I am glad to be weak or insulted or mistreated or to have troubles and sufferings, if it is for Christ. Because when I am weak, I am strong." - 2 Cor. 9:10. 
No one is saying that laughter is the best answer to all our medical problems. But there is no question that a good attitude can have a positive influence on our health.



it could all be so simple
but you'd rather make it hard
loving you is like a battle
and we both end up with scars
tell me, who I have to be
to get some reciprocity
no one loves you more than me
and no one ever will.
is this just a silly game
that forces you to act this way
forces you to scream my name
then pretend that you can't stay
tell me, who I have to be
to get some reciprocity
no one loves you more than me
and no one ever will
no matter how I think we grow
you always seem to let me know
it ain't workin'
and when I try to walk away
you'd hurt yourself to make me stay
this is crazy
i keep letting you back in
how can I explain myself
as painful as this thing has been
i just can't be with no one else
see I know what we got to do
you let go and I'll let go too
'cause no one's hurt me more than you
And no one ever will.


You let go & I'll let go too.

Who are you to judge the Life I Live?

I know I am not perfect – and I don’t live to be.

But before you start pointing fingers,

Make sure your hands are clean.



-Drove to Niagara on the Lake w/A&R.
-Screaming kingsway out the window.
-Skipped stones w/A.
-Nearly threw out my back trying to skip a boulder w/A.
-"Eat your pets".
- R: "I'm gonna toast his ass-hole"
-"If your dog pee's on my new shirt, he's goin out the window.
-A: These ppl look rich, let's marry them for their money.
-"Wow dad, could you drive ANY faster?"
-"How come EVERYONE has GLK's?!
   R: what?! JAILPITS?!
-"Joyce is a faggot!"
-Got raped by W.
-Raped W.
-W..is one HORNY child:)
-Almost killed Andy, R, G & J howlingg.
-J pinches a random guys ass in the park.
-"Let's make a scene".
-Maze of Lazers...Men's Room.
-Arcade: Never driving manual again.
-Haunted house: A was scared shitless, he buried his head in my sweater:p
- R should've kicked that thing in the face.
-Ran like banshee's.
-Got My fudge.
-Came home.

All in All, today was JOKES.